Dear Inga,
Sorry not to get back to you sooner. My holiday was not the most successful I’ve had for the following reasons:
- I was ill-prepared for my visit – partly because I booked it a bit too close to my departure and hadn’t read enough about the two cities (Riga and Tallinn) I was visiting;
- Also because a 92-year old friend collapsed the week before and a spent a whole day at the hospital with her and paid her several visits during that week.
- Also because I had a bad stomach upset which started on the Friday night before I went on holiday, i.e. Friday 7th- Saturday 8th. By Sunday evening, things seemed more or less ok when I left for Stansted and Riga the following morning. However, I had a couple of really bad days in Riga – one day when I had to stay in my hotel room all day. However, by eating mostly bread and plain biscuits and drinking water, I got through the rest of the week. The available food was either very rich, or smoked or very heavy. So, not my most successful holiday. I did get out and about but not very far and not very fast as I felt quite weak some of the time. My digestive system is still not quite right but improving and I have very little energy.
At some point in the future, I would go back to Tallinn – lovely people and environment but found people in Riga less friendly and communicative.
So, this was not a typical holiday for me – I spent most of my time quite close to the town centre and my hotel, apart from my final day in Tallinn when I went to the open air buildings museum.
The arrangements made by Baltic Travel all worked very well, apart from the taxi to the airport in Tallinn. The driver was about five minutes late. He was very apologetic – he had been helping a friend whose taxi had broken down. We were in plenty of time to get to the airport but it is not the sort of thing one wants when one is going for a flight!
With my thanks to you in particular, and your colleagues, for arranging my holiday so efficiently.
Kind regards,
PS: I will send one or two photos shortly.