Author: Emily Haestrup
Finlands diversity of wildlife may come as a surprise to many, however the variety of nature that it has to offer is simply spectacular. Due to its unique north-eastern location within Europe, a lot of the wildlife found in Finland is unique to that country within Europe; this makes the country a popular spot for birdwatchers and animal photographers. With vast green forests, countless lakes, and a beautiful coastline, Finland provides some beautiful habitats for wildlife to breed.

Many people may already be aware of Finland’s Big Four: the Brown bear, the Gray wolf, the Eurasian lynx, and the wolverine. However, they are not everything there is to Finland’s wildlife; first, let’s take a look at the other mammals that are found here. For example, the Saimaa Ringed Seal can only be found in and on the shores of Lake Saimaa in Finland, and about 260 still survive in this colony. This species itself is also one of only 3 freshwater seal species still in existence, making them truly unique- and you can enjoy the sight of these wonderful creatures on the Finnish Lakes & Forests package with Baltic Travel Company, or you can make a tailor made holiday. A big favourite is also the reindeer! For example, there are the Finnish Forest reindeer, a rare subdivision of the species, however these are rarely seen and you are far more likely to run into the Northern reindeer, which some say are semi-domesticated. When in Finland, you may also find yourself catching glimpses of animals such as the Arctic fox, the Red fox, the ermine, and the European polecat. You will be hard pressed to find any of these creatures anywhere else in Europe, so for a unique experience, book a holiday in Finland today!

There is no place like Eastern Finland to view the European Brown bear. As Finland’s national animal, you can be sure to spot this magnificent creature if you try. Many trips cater for this, so for a truly unique experience, take a visit to Finland, where you can then stay in huts and hide outs and photograph them. The best time to see them is from early July to the middle of August, when the bears are out feeding, and therefore moving around, allowing for much greater viewing possibilities. There are about 1000 Brown bears still living in Finland.

However, never forget to look up- for otherwise you might miss the beautiful birds that scatter the air. Take Finland’s national bird, the Whooper swan, a stunning and graceful creature. Nature lovers swarm to Finland in spring, when the swan comes swooping home along with the crane, heralding the start of warmer weather. Another popular sight among the tree tops is the Great Grey owl, with its distinctive rings around the eyes making it easy to distinguish- however don’t go near its young, or you may face a fight. The White-tailed eagle is a beautiful sight, as it hovers high up in the air, and a rare sight anywhere else in Europe- however, due to the efforts of Finnish nature conservationists, they were brought back from the verge of extinction into the every day sights of both locals and tourists a like in Finland. Other popular birds include the Great spotted woodpecker, the Willow and Siberian tits, Black grouse, cranes, and others. The most popular season for bird watchers is in April and May, when they come to see the great birds return from their migration to warmer countries, back to their homeland of Finland- a highly recommendable sight.

One cannot approach the topic of Finland’s wildlife without considering the beautiful nature and landscape. Known as the land of a thousand lakes, the scenery is beautiful, with scattered islands, vast forests and open spaces. The majority of Finland is made up of greenery, with nearly 70% of the country covered in forest due to most of the country lying within the northern coniferous zone. A contributor to Finland’s unique wildlife is the fact that 10% of the country is covered in swamp and bog, which means that certain animals thrive here that find it very hard to live anywhere else in the whole of Europe, such as Taiga been geese. And, probably most importantly of all, there are the lakes and coastline. Finland has 187, 800 lakes, and approximately 179,000 islands. Some inland lakes form large lake districts, so it is easy to sail from one to the other- this also means that many communities have developed along the shores, as it is easy to get between the various villages and towns by sailing, or taking the many ferries found. In these lake areas, you are likely to find creatures such as the Black-throated diver and the Little gull.

Visiting Finland is a truly unique experience, and not only when it comes to its nature and wildlife, and it’s impossible to fully capture its beauty in words. So, if you’re a bird watcher, a wildlife photographer, or just simply someone who enjoys beauty, then visit Finland. Baltic Travel Company offers packages such as ‘Finland- Land of a Thousand Lakes’ or ‘Finnish Lakes and Forests’, both of which focus on capturing Finland’s nature, however there are also many other packages available, and you can even have a tailor-made holiday, suited to your needs.